Thursday, September 15, 2011


I feel like I am stuck. So I am pushing myself beyond my limits. I feel like the weight will never come off, and everything I am doing is for nothing. My finish date is 271 days away. Seems like that is a lifetime to lose 78 more pounds. But it isn't and I feel like I am falling behind where I should be at my 3 week point. 2 lbs a week sounded very attainable, and after my first 3 weeks being so great, I am just stuck. Not gaining, not losing. What do I do?

I just did 1.5 hours of kick boxing and OMG I hurt. My pains have pains, and I am exhausted. How in the heck can I continue if I am so exhausted. Should I be pushing myself as hard as I am to get the weight off. I am not a quitter! I will succeed... I think.

I am planning on going for a LONG walk tomorrow. Not a challenging trail, but I have the option to make it a 7km walk or a 14km walk. I am opting for the 14km walk... But we will see what my bestie says as she is walking with me. I plan on walking briskly... I wish I could run, but alas, I have shitty knees and constant heel pain. Part of why I am doing this weight loss journey is so I can walk without being in pain with EVERY step. That is why it makes the walks so challenging, because my feet hurt... so much. I am hoping that with less weight on them, everything will be fine again.

The other part of why I want to succeed so bad, is so Caiden will have me around to see his milestones. (graduating, getting married, having babies). I want him to be able to have me come to school to pick him up and not have the other kids make fun of him because his mommy is a fat cow.

Plus, looking incredible in a bikini wouldn't be so bad. LOL.

Glad to have my little workout buddy and cheerleader with me today. He wouldn't let me quit my circuit training. Good Boy Caiden!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that rest days are as important as work out days!!
