I just did 1.5 hours of kick boxing and OMG I hurt. My pains have pains, and I am exhausted. How in the heck can I continue if I am so exhausted. Should I be pushing myself as hard as I am to get the weight off. I am not a quitter! I will succeed... I think.
I am planning on going for a LONG walk tomorrow. Not a challenging trail, but I have the option to make it a 7km walk or a 14km walk. I am opting for the 14km walk... But we will see what my bestie says as she is walking with me. I plan on walking briskly... I wish I could run, but alas, I have shitty knees and constant heel pain. Part of why I am doing this weight loss journey is so I can walk without being in pain with EVERY step. That is why it makes the walks so challenging, because my feet hurt... so much. I am hoping that with less weight on them, everything will be fine again.
The other part of why I want to succeed so bad, is so Caiden will have me around to see his milestones. (graduating, getting married, having babies). I want him to be able to have me come to school to pick him up and not have the other kids make fun of him because his mommy is a fat cow.
Plus, looking incredible in a bikini wouldn't be so bad. LOL.
Glad to have my little workout buddy and cheerleader with me today. He wouldn't let me quit my circuit training. Good Boy Caiden!!
Don't forget that rest days are as important as work out days!!